"Vick reinstated.....hmmmm"......
"I've met Vick........Not impressed.
The End."
The Pic & statement from former Vick dog "Hector" were taken from "The Vick Dogs Blog...hear it from the dogs themselves". The link is in my Favorite Things list to the left. You should check it out 'cause these dogs have plenty to say!
Be prepared to be WOWED by their AWESOMENESS!
Thanks again to Bad Rap, Donna Reynolds, Tim Racer, Roo & Clara Yori. You guys Rock!
I don't think they should have left him come back, people should get the message that animal cruety and torture will not be tolerated!
Granted what Vick did was horrendous, but the man has served his time, paid the price, and is a great football player. Where's the forgiveness.....isn't that what we as christians are supposed to do???
to anonymous, ummm, in my eyes a good Christian would know better than to make an animal suffer for the sole purpose of entertainment and greed. I am not ready to forgive Mr Vick just yet, it's gonna take more than a year in prison for me to think he deserves forgiveness. When I think he is truly sorry for what he has done to those dogs (rather than sorry for what has happened to him and disgracing his family), than maybe I will find it in my heart to forgive him. He needs to prove himself to the public now and the millions of eyes who are watching him.
Starla, how fitting that it is Philly who would take Vick, he should have good support there, as the state of Pennsylvania is way behind the times in terms of their views and laws to protect animals, primarily dogs. Many Many Many Amish farms out there that are homes to horrendous suffering by way of puppy mills, where the "meek" and "gentle" Amish inflict such pain and suffering on dogs for years and years all to fatten their wallets, and tax free, I might add, and the state of PA lets it go on!
I am greatful to MV for one thing, and that is that those dogs did not suffer and die in vain. Because of his need for greed, and his cruel acts, the general public has been made aware of just what dog fighting is and how very precious these poor victims are!
Thank you for that MV!
Also, thanks to so many who have helped these particular dogs, and to Best friends Animal Sanctuary as well!
MmmKay...We have an "Anonymous" Vick Fan. To "Anonymous"...You are certainly entitled to forgive Mr Vick if "YOU" feel he has paid his price. I personally think the price was too cheap. I watched his 60 Minute interview hoping that I could find a way to forgive him, but saw no remorse for the DOGS, but only for himself & the people he "let down". Maybe you are a better person than I, but I think his "Price Paid" was only dropped pocket change in the road of his multi-million dollar career. The post I made, was made from one of his former dogs point of view, which was simply & perfectly stated by the wonderful people who adopted him. Hector was one of the most brutally scarred of all the Vick dogs & after all that he endured, he is just an amazing soul. Sorry but I can't say that for Mr Vick...If you wish to...that's certainly your Christian perogative. Oh & the guy (Wayne Pacelle of the HSUS) that is helping to counsel Mr Vick & presenting him at his so called community speaking engagements....He wanted all the dogs destroyed. Nuff said... ;)
This issue has been on my mind since i heard about it a few days ago...i am sorry to say that i dont think anyone who did something so horrendous to their dogs can be reformed. He just wont do it again, hopefully. Mr. Vick did suddenly become an animal lover while he was serving his time...no animal lover would ever do something like that to begin with and i dont think you can teach humanity. I am disappointed he has been given a second chance in the NFL but i would like to think his fan base will be significantly less and no endorsements will come his way.
OOps meant to say that he DIDNT become an animal lover while serving his time!!!
Starla, I would like to reply to the "annonymous" comment above. I DO consider myself a christian and I am all for forgiving, but I am an animal lover and advocate first and foremost and there is something seriously wrong in the mind of any human who would do that, and now he will be rich again...where is the punishment in that????
I have to wonder exactly what Mr. Vick would be doing right now, had he NOT GOTTEN CAUGHT????
Right, so maybe he was tried, convicted and did his time for the cruelty and inhumane treatment he inflicted on poor dogs who just wanted to please their owners - but to let him play football again and reward his actions with a $5million contract? I'd bury my Eagles jerseys and move to Denver!!!
This is just plain wrong any way you slice it.
ROTFLMAO! Sugar Cookie...you are just too darn cute when you are all riled up! LOL! Sure am glad to have you on my side, but I could never move to Denver, so way no how...(Pssst...Pit bulls are Banned in Denver) Love ya Girlfriend! Hugs, Starla :)
Oooops...no edit button... I meant NO Way...No How on Denver...:)
Sure let us forgive but never ever forget what he has done. Many people can act like they are sorrowful for what they have done when greed is involved.~~Pam
I think we all have it within us to forgive, but I don't think he deserves a 5 million dollar contract....I agree with Cookie - what would he have been doing if he hadn't been caught? And all of a sudden he becomes an animal lover? That's not something you become - it's something that is within you....anyone who could run a business such as Mr. Vick did does not have the love and compassion for animals to become an animal lover. Susan
nope... his remorse shown is exactly what it takes to play the execs for fools to get the ink on the contract. He is sorry for one thing: GETTING CAUGHT
Heck, I'd even take the Chiefs over the Eagles (and they suck!) hahaha
I believe in forgiving people but it is hard to forget how horrendous some acts are. To be able to do the things he did, its easy to forgive but hard to forget, how does a human soul torture beat starve electrocute hang force to fight animals like that. I mean what would be the reason? Could he have gotten some sort of jolly from that? Geeze thats so sick. Wouldnt someone need counseling to recover from that deviante behavior? I just think it was too soon to take him back w/o some sort of completed counseling. Maybe he truly is sorry and will do ads for the Humane Society and donate heavily to animal rescue agencies. Forgiving is a good thing but there is a difference between being meek and being a doormat.
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